Exmas. >_< ---> ^_^
They are now over. I had seven subject=7 exams. Humanities, English, Maths, Science, Bussiness Management, Religious Education and French. Now I await my results!
Driving. ^_^
I can drive now. Well, actually I'm an L-plate. BUT I CAN DRIVE! YAHOOOOOOOOOO!
Birthday. ^_^
Hehe, it was my birthday. And i got the bestest present ANYONE could ever give a fellow book lover. Their favourite book(actually, two from one series), signed by the author. Irregular Kiki' you sooo rock ;)
Foot. >_<
My left foot has gone funny. My second last toe has doubled in size. Gross, and very uncomfortable.
Rubik's Cube (happened about two weeks ago but worth mentioning).
I actually managed to complete the whole thing. I'll give a link to the YouTube video I used.
Now I must go. J'ai a busy life!
The Drover's Wife by Henry Lawson
Gossip-a post inspired by Ananka's Diary
Gossip (and rumours) is what makes Gossip Girl, haha, lame joke, I know :) Gossip and rumours is what keeps girls from concentrating in class, especially if it’s something about you. Here are my tips on how to avoid it, and how to solve it.
If you are being gossiped or rumoured about, you should do the following:
-Find the source of that rumour.
-Ask yourself have you done anything mean or wrong to that person.
-Tell those close to you and as many people who you know are sensible and will trust you why the gossip/rumour is wrong.
-Confront the person who created that rumour/piece of gossip. Remember, it is a form of bullying, and no one should ever be bullied. Be very confident and show the 'meanie/s' why you believe how wrong/low/nasty they are and how a little 'mind game' won't hurt you.
-A good comeback to leave them to think about will be a bonus. But remember, you don’t want to be as mean/low as them, so comebacks should be witty, not hurtful.
I know that sometimes gossip/rumours are the major type, the type that can destroy your reputation. But remember, if you sincerely are a nice and kind person, then even if someone does gossip/rumour about you, people know that a nice/kind person won't do that (unless the rumour is about the reason you have chicken feathers in your hair every morning because your mother is a giant hen, and your father is a giant rooster, all living hidden in a backyard chicken house owned by your grandmother-a gracefully aged swan.)
Beware of Uber Competitor. Grrrrrr
Mobile Blogging is so difficuult! [I shoul've posted this two weeks ago]
The picture I took of my 'masterpiece' is on my mother's mobile. And for some reason I cannot attach the picture. Grrrr >_<
The Swine Flu. Whooaaaa. It's EVERYWHERE (I mean on the news, not as in everyone's got it, God forbid).
I need to complete two Maths exercises, write up an oration, complete Religious Education questions by presenting the information graphically (haha, nobody could understand what to do, and as it was the last class of the week, the majority of us could not pay attention) and most like do some other time consuming homework which I can't remember right now.
Oh, and mid-year exams are coming up.
To The Point Book Reviews
A book review blog where I review mostly YA fiction and speak bookerish.
About Moi

- brave chickens
- Australia
- I'm bookish and awkward. I enjoy making things, whether it be food, small contraptions or pieces of art. Chickens are my favourite animals. I have a personal blog and a book review blog (it's mostly YA fiction)
Clickety click, Linkety link
end of 20168 years ago
hello (again)9 years ago
Happy New Year!11 years ago
It's like I'm dating my blog O_O12 years ago
Make your own chocolate balls.13 years ago
GLOGS!!!14 years ago
A New Blog for a New Year14 years ago
Chocolate Walnut Cake14 years ago